You Ask Us
Your questions answered
Who will my therapist be?
Take a look under Bridge People. Sophia Dunn and Mark Dunn work out of the Farringdon location. Mog Grey has rooms in Clapham SW4. Who you work with may depend on your availability — when you can come, and who is in at those times. You may to prefer to work with a man, or a woman. Just let us know when you fill in the contact form and we’ll do our best to accommodate.
What is the time commitment?
Sessions are fifty minutes long. We have no receptionist. Therefore, when you arrive, your therapist must answer the door. So! It is very helpful to us if you can arrive no more than two or three minutes ahead of your scheduled time so that someone else’s session is not interrupted in order to let you in. If you’re early there are wonderful coffee shops in the area.
People often want to know how long they’ll be working with us. Usually, people make the change they need in 10-16 weeks, but this is just a rough guideline. Some people are happy with as few as six sessions — while others address what they came with and stay on because they find the personal growth both enjoyable and useful.
How much will it cost, and how do I pay?
Fees can be negotiated with your therapist at your first session, and the fee will be set depending on the type of help you need and how flexible you can be with timing. A guide price is £70 per session.
You can pay by personal cheque or cash, and once therapy is established we can arrange for bank transfer. We do not accept credit cards.
How do I get there?
We are conveniently located in the heart of the City of London, in Clerkenwell — very near to the Farringdon tube station and are easily reached by public transport. When you contact us, we will send you a map with easy-to-follow directions.
Do I need to bring anything?
Many people find it helpful to make a few notes, so a small notebook and something to write with can be useful.
Do I need a referral?
No. We make it easy for you to self-refer. Simply use our Contact Form (be sure to give us your email address and mobile number), and we’ll get in touch with you to arrange an appointment.
Is the first session confidential?
Of course! Everything that passes between you and your therapist is always confidential. The only two exceptions. One is clinical supervision. All therapists are required to have regular supervision on their cases. However, this is conducted without names or identifying information, in order to protect your privacy and your right to confidentiality. The only other instance would be a situation in which your therapist felt that either you or someone else was in danger of serious harm. Such instances are extremely rare.
I have a family member/close friend who found The Bridge extremely helpful. Can I come to the same therapist?
If you are just acquaintances and do not have regular contact, by all means. However, if you’re close, this is not a good idea. We keep safe boundaries, so that your therapist is there for you, and you alone. Sharing a therapist with a family member or close friend can compromise emotional safety and make you reluctant to be as open as you’d like. As well, it can be a tall order for the therapist, especially if two people he or she is seeing run into conflict.
If you’ve been recommended to the Bridge by a close friend or family member, please let us know, and we will arrange for you to see a different therapist.